Constitution – 1st November 2023
Lions means Tetbury Lions Club.
Lions Committee means the Lions’ formal monthly committee meeting.
200 Club means Tetbury Lions 200 Supporters Club.
Member means a paid-up member.
Secretary means the Secretary of the 200 Club
Lion means a member of the Lions.
Draw means an event at which the winning balls are selected at random.
Guiding Principles
a. The purpose of the 200 Club is to raise funds for distribution to worthy causes via the Tetbury Lions.
b. At least 40% of income shall be returned as prizes (the figures in Appendix 1 support this until there are over 150 Members).
The target membership is 200 but, subject to the Guiding Principles, this is not intended to restrict actual membership numbers.
Any Member may purchase any number of memberships, each corresponding to a numbered ball.
Only Members shall be eligible for draws. In the case of a payment which may have occurred through no fault of the Member the Lions may decide to advance the subscription temporarily on behalf of the defaulting Member.
The subscription shall be £20.00 per year, payable in advance by bank standing order, cheque or cash. Subscriptions must be made in a single payment.
Each Member shall be allocated a number corresponding to the number on a ball assigned to the Member. This is then included in the Draw. At each Draw, balls are selected at random.
Once a ball is selected during a Draw it is excluded from any further selections during that particular Draw.
Draws take place according to the Schedule in Appendix B, normally at Lions Club meetings or functions with at least two Lions present.
Prizes will be made via BACS to via the details provided on the membership forms.
The Lions is registered with Cotswold District Council under the Small Society Lottery Registration No 09/00003/GASSP and the 200 Club is run within the rules and provisions of that licence.
Any questions, interpretations or disputes connected with the 200 Club shall be decided by the Secretary or, ultimately, the Lions Committee. Any Lion involved in the dispute shall not be involved in deciding the resolution.
The Lions Committee shall appoint a Secretary to manage the day-to-day affairs of the Supporters Club and make payments to winners.
The allocation of funds raised shall be at discretion of the Lions in accordance with the Lions own objectives, principles, and governance.
Reporting and Accounts shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Gambling Act 2005. This includes annual submission of accounts to Cotswold District Council. For this purpose, the club accounting year runs from January 1st to December 31st.
A formal half yearly update will be made to Lions Committee in December and June of each year. This will include the number of subscribers, bank status, costs to date, cost of prizes and value of donations made to club fundraising account.
This constitution will be updated annually in November.
Prize winners will be notified by email and will also be published in the Tetbury Advertiser and Lions website unless the Member specifically requests anonymity.
All other significant communications such as changes in prize allocation will be notified within the Tetbury Advertiser or the Lions website at www.tetburylions.co.uk or both.
Appendix A
Prize Draw Schedule | |
Month | Draw |
January | 4 x £25 |
February | 4 x £25 |
March | 1 x £100 |
April | 4 x £25 |
May | 4 x £25 |
June | 1 x £100 |
July | 4 x £25 |
August | 4 x £25 |
September | 1 x £100 |
October | 4 x £25 |
November | 4 x £25 |
December | 1 x £100 |
Last updated – 1st November 2023
Appendix B – 200 Club Administrator
Saxon Greenway, Willowbank, Chavenage Lane, Tetbury GL8 8BT